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Customer care

We welcome feedback and we use it, where possible, to help us improve future council services.

We want to hear from you when you think we have done a decent job but also when you feel we could have done better. You can be assured that you will be:

  • Listened to.
  • Treated honestly, fairly, and politely.
  • Given help and advice as quickly as we can.
  • Your individual needs and right to privacy will be respected.
  • Kept informed about what is happening

You have the option to provide us with a compliment, comment, concern, or complaint- and an explanation for what each of these are can be found below:

Formal complaints

We aim to provide a high standard of service, but try as we might, we may not always get it right first time.

If you wish to provide general feedback about one of our services, including compliments then you can do this through comments, concerns or compliments.